UnboringKW has rebranded to Connected KW. Added listings for EDM account and Waterloo Region Climate Collaboration.
Articles by Paul Nijjar
Spectrum Feeds Changed, No More Twitter, Meetup.com, Local
The calendar interface on Spectrum has changed from a Google Calendar embed to Teamup. We reconfigured the main Spectrum feeds to use Teamup, and split out a specific feed for Rainbow Clearinghouse events specifically.
The WatcampEvents Twitter account has been dormant for a while, so we removed it.
Meetup.com has reactivated its RSS feeds, so we relisted it.
Metroland newspapers killed their RSS feeds, so we deleted their listings. We added listings for the Community Edition, Woolwich Observer, Global News and the CBC.
KW Events Radar, Spectrum Newsletter
We added information about the KW Events Radar initiative, and removed the link to the (now defunct) Spectrum events list.
KPL Regressions, New Friends
The Kitchener Public library changed its events system, so we updated that section of the website.
We also added some new friends: https://kwconcerts.ca, https://explorewaterlooregion.ca, and https://unboringkw.com . Sadly, we said goodbye to the (defunct?) WRBlogs aggregator, and some aspects of the KWPeace site.
Meetup.com feeds are no more
Unfortunately, Meetup dropped support for its RSS and iCal feeds in 2023. Thus we have dropped the platform from our Platform Feed documentation.
Bits & Bytes Computer Club
We added the Bits & Bytes Computer Club to the mishmash feed.
Wilfrid Laurier University Feeds
WLU changed its calendaring system, so the RSS/iCal feed URLs changed too.
Eventbrite feeds
We (finally) pulled together some feeds for local Eventbrite events. Find them on the main page. The sort order of the feeds is not fantastic, but we hope your feed reader will be able to cope.
Feed-finding updates
We have split the "Discovering feeds" page into one page for weird local feeds, and one page for finding feeds on different platforms. Also we added information about Substack, and elaborated on Youtube feeds.
Library changes
Both the WPL and the Idea Exchange in Cambridge have changed their events calendars. We have updated instructions for subscribing to their feeds, and added some auxiliary sites that the WPL and KPL use.
Although intended to be a lighthearted joke, calling our page of other calendars "frenemies" came across as more hostile than we intended. We are all friends now.
Pastors in Exile calendar
We have added the https://pastorsinexile.org/whats-happening-3/calendar/ calendar to the Mishmash RSS feed.
Mishmash feed
We have added an RSS feed that aggregates Google Calendars from a number of local organizations that put on neat events. So far there is only one calendar in the mishmash: the Marit Collective Events Calendar. This is likely to grow in the future, however.
Feeds are up (and goodbye Eventbrite)
RSS feeds for Watcamp and Spectrum should now be working. In principle they update twice a day; in practice they are updated around once a week.
Unfortunately, Eventbrite shut down the Search endpoint for its API on Dec 12, 2019, so our Eventbrite feeds are broken. We are investigating workarounds.
If you are seeing this you are very special! The site is not quite ready for use yet. Be patient (and follow the RSS feed) and we will post when things are up and running.